Give up the grind.

{image from Polina Green}

I want to change the way I work.

It’s dragging me down.

Late nights. Midnight finishes. And I know in my heart I don’t need to do it. I can be in bed by 9.30pm with a cup of tea and a film if I want. I can spend evenings on the sofa, snuggled with the dog, reading a book.

Screw the midnight oil. Fuck the grind, graft, pinch and strive of it all.

No striving. No striving. No striving.

I want Sundays in the woods. The real woods. Campfire stoves and hot soup. I want ease and bendability. Yoga and swimming. Snoring dog.

Heck, I want a life.

And in this way, the new way, wave that I’m craving, I’m not sure I’ve ever had that life. The real kind of life that fills up your soul until love comes gushing right out of you and you couldn’t stop it even if you tried.

Yeah, that kind of life.

No TV numbness. No Pinterest pain relief.

Wild, in the moment productivity.

Productivity is not a dirty word. Neither is profit. You need both to make this gig fly.

Productivity means having a life. A love. Time for sex and shenanigans.

Productivity means getting shit done.

I’m over not getting it done. I’m done with lingering to do lists, dusty old shit that follows me around, haunting my sleep, crapping on my relaxation and creeping into my down time.

No striving. Wild productivity. Pure shavasana in my jammies.

Here’s the go:

Bedtime. On time. 9pm is a self care deadline. Laptop off. Lights and whirring gadgets off. This is not the time to bake cookies, start a new web redesign. What you make a night is cloudy, fogged by a day of disappointment. What you make in the morning is fresh and clean and new and pure.

Make in the morning. Get up early. Get outside. Get home and make, goddamnit make. Before the day job takes over.

Let the artist start the day (care of Lu)

Make words, make clay, make plans, make courses make revolutions, solutions and invoices. Make baby, make.

When the day is done and you’ve done, made, got and created you will have time to email your sister, text your friend and go swimming.

Watch it.

A revol, evol – ution of time is coming.

Hello Sunrise.

Tempt me into the day.

Hold me to creation.

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